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Frequently Asked Questions

What is financial coaching?
Financial coaching can help you learn about personal finance topics such as budgeting, debt management, credit scores, student loans, saving, taxes, and much more!  A financial coach will help you identify your financial goals and allow you to take control of your financial life, while supporting you and holding you accountable in reaching the goals you set.
Who can benefit from having a financial coach?
Almost anyone can benefit from having a financial coach, no matter what your income. Whether you want to learn financial basics, you’re in a mountain of debt and have no idea how to pay it off, you want to improve your credit score, need help budgeting, want to learn some ways of making extra money, or need someone to keep you accountable to your budget or financial plans, a financial coach can guide you on your path to financial freedom!
I have a high income, can I really benefit from financial coaching?
Yes! No matter what your income, a financial coach can help you take more control of your money and reach your financial goals.
Is a financial coach the same thing as an investment advisor?
No. A financial coach helps you overcome your financial concerns and meet your financial goals through education on things like budgeting, saving, and paying off debt. While we may talk about allocating some of your budget to retirement savings or other types of investments, we don’t provide any advice on particular investments.
Is my information kept confidential when I sign up for financial coaching?
Yes, all of your information is kept completely confidential.

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